St Michael’s Health Centre seeks government accreditation
This would be a milestone in Kanyike’s quest for sustainability
What will government accreditation mean?
more money and free supplies for our already flourishing AIDS Retroviral Therapy services (ART Clinic)
free supplies in the constant fight against malaria e.g. mosquito nets
NEW desperately needed TB diagnosis services.
To meet government criteria, we have
bought an ultra-sound scanner, nebuliser, fridge to store medicines, and ambu-bag at a cost of £2000
employed another Clinical Officer, Babirye Milly
spent £300 repairing gutters
We still need to
partition wards into male, female and children
supply water to maternity and other wards
install an incinerator
buy bed sheets and blankets for in-patients
paint the exterior walls
tile dispensary floor and paint dispensary block
replace toilet shutters toilets (destroyed by termites).
Dan, HIV AIDS councsellor
Rose, restored to health after treatment for AIDS
A consultation - and new microscope!
The Health Centre 2024
St Michael’s Health Centre 2010