Rise and Shine Nursery
This is a recent success story. A much-needed nursery was built in just two weeks in 2014. The villagers made the bricks and a group of volunteers from the UK, who all work for DHL in Peterborough, raised more money and gave up their time to fly over to build two sturdy classrooms.
At first there was no furniture and benches had to be borrowed from the church; but soon the Project’s Carpentry workshop provided purpose-made benches and desks. And new swings and a roundabout make break-time fun.
Then, gluttons for punishment, the UK team returned in early 2016 to construct a latrine block and complete work on harvesting rain-water from the roof.
The Rise and Shine Nursery is now flourishing with over 50 pupils! Children now learn and play happily and their future is brighter.
A local paper has boasted that this is the best nursery in the district, if not the whole of Uganda.