From January, the two community voluntary teams, together with their supervisors, started a new community work program called “REACH OUT”. This new program is targeting the most affected neediest HIV/AIDS households, including the elderly, widowed and child-headed households.
The program aims to promote access to prevention education and basic care services for all individuals in the community. By the end of the month, three households had already benefited from the program and the entire community has appreciated this intervention.
Every month the team will visit a number of households and carry out a range of health and sanitary activities, including counseling and testing, medical and psychotherapy care services, vaccinations and Vitamin A supplementations, nutrition and personal hygiene counseling, sexuality and parental guidance, clearing and general cleaning of the compound, construction of plate stands and bathrooms, rehabilitation of toilets and cleaning of water sources among others.
The program aims to promote access to prevention education and basic care services for all individuals in the community. By the end of the month, three households had already benefited from the program and the entire community has appreciated this intervention.